Rabu, 28 September 2011

Loosing a Friend...

I don't remember when or how, but I found a blog.  It was a life-giving, awakening and everything I needed kind of blog.  I was struggling with pain and then I found her, who was struggling with so much more pain.  But, she was made of strength and most of all joy.  She doesn't wallow in what she can't do or what the disease is doing to her, she instead focused on what she could do.  GitzenGirl lives life so well, even though her most recent years have been spent in her house never to leave.  Now she is dying from complications from her disease.  I can't explain how sad I am, even though I never met her in person.  It is like a light being extinguished.  If I could live just half as good as she has I will have done well.  When her light goes out I will work harder at making mine shine.  If you don't know her or have never read her blog, you should.  Even if you don't struggle with illness she is just a life example of living past your circumstances.
Thank you GitzenGirl for being you.  For striving for joy.  Thanks for making me a piece of art.  But, most of all thank you for teaching me how to live and walk with God.

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